Sales rep (100% remote and 100% commissions)

Seeking a fast motives sales rep. Looking to take on a challenge!

we print tee shirts and are looking to expand and take it to the next level. We currently do 3+ million in revenue. Looking to increase it for 2023!

finding the companies who need new apparel or business shirts

reaching out to them providing them with what they need!

Sales Role Classification
Lake of the Ozarks, Missouri, United States, 65355
tee shirt printing, DTG, graphic shirts, embroidery, printing company
Retail Trade - Clothing, Shoes & Accessories
Posted on
November 16, 2022

Average Sales Value

$750 – $13,000

Commission Structure


Sell-in cycle: 1 – 12days

Monthly Retainer

$3,000 / 120 hours