Post Type: Developments

Salesfolks Features/Updates Launched 7/19/19

Here's a list of the latest Salesfolks features and updates launched July 19, 2019:

  • Salesfolks has now joined Pledge 1% and will will be donating 1% of our company stock (equity) and 1% of our profits to philanthropy. We're very proud to be joining a great cast of companies who have also taken the pledge, such as: Salesforce, Atlassian, Inside Sales, Yelp, Docusign, Box, and others.
  • We added a Salesfolks Intro Tutorial video to the dashboard
  • We have added a series of automated emails for your account so you'll receive emails, such as a receipt of Sales Meetings with customers which includes customer contact info and length of meeting (also available in your dashboard, including customer name, email and phone number).
  • Added desktop notifications for users of the Microsoft Edge browser
  • Designed a new method for phone numbers making it much easier for international users to input their phone number
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