Post Type: Developments

Salesfolks Features/Updates Launched 6/21/19

Here's a list of the latest Salesfolks features and updates launched June 21, 2019:

  • Customers (Prospects) now have the ability to self-identify by putting in their name, picture, email, and phone number when they enter a Sales Meeting with a Salesperson.
  • Added a photo cropper so now editing your headshot image is much easier. Time for your profile pic to look beautiful!
  • In the sales meeting / chat URL you'll see that it's much cleaner and more intuitive.
  • Visitors, Searchers, and Prospects/Customers are now about to search for Salespeople by Category from the homepage. As more Salespeople are added, new Categories will activate. In our taxonomy there are 20 top-level categories that all Salespeople fit into, and approximately 600 sub-categories.
  • Added broader matching for search to increase the likelihood you appear for similar search phrases.

Do you have ideas for features you'd like to see? Please let us know.