Turning Costs into Investments:

The Secret Sauce of Sales Success

The Secret Sauce of Sales Success

Ah, the dreaded moment in any sales discussion: the client is eyeing you suspiciously, brows furrowed, and the word "cost" keeps slipping out of their mouth like an incantation designed to ward off unwanted expenses. You know this is make or break. But here’s the truth: the sticking point isn't really the cost. What they're really saying, in their roundabout way, is that they fear losing money. The risk outweighs the perceived benefits.

So, what's a sales warrior to do? The answer, my friend, is simpler than you might think—but it takes a bit of preparation.

Ready for this million-dollar advice? Here it goes:

Turn the conversation about the purchase into a discussion about it being an investment.

Yes, it’s that simple. Reframe the cost as an investment, and your client’s perception will shift. You need to be prepared to articulate all the ways this investment will yield returns. Because let's face it, everyone loves a good ROI story.

The Power of Reframing

One of the secret lessons they don’t teach you in the sales school of hard knocks is that the real superpower of a salesperson is the ability to make the prospective client feel like someone else is taking partial accountability for the eventual purchase outcome. This is your golden ticket.

When you reframe the discussion from cost to investment, you do a couple of things:

1. Shift the Mindset: Suddenly, this isn’t just money going out the door. It’s money that's going to come back, bringing friends.

2. Highlight the ROI: You provide a vision for how the purchase will make the client's future state even better. You're not just selling a product or service; you’re selling a better future.

The Art of De-Risking

But how do you de-risk the purchase decision for the client? Here’s where the magic happens. You need to:

1. Paint a Picture of Success: Give examples, case studies, or anecdotes where similar clients saw significant returns on their investment.

2. Be a Partner, Not a Peddler: Position yourself as someone who is invested in their success. Use phrases like, “We’re in this together” or “I’m committed to making sure this works for you.”

3. Provide Assurances: Offer guarantees, warranties, or trial periods. Anything that reduces the perceived risk.

Making It Funny and Engaging

Now, let’s sprinkle in some humor to keep this conversation light and engaging. Imagine you're talking to your client and they bring up the dreaded “C” word—cost. Here’s how you could respond:

Client: "This seems really expensive." You: "Expensive? Oh no, that’s not a cost. That’s a down payment on your future yacht. I mean, think about it. This isn’t just a purchase, it’s an investment. And investments come with returns. Did I mention the yacht?"

Client: "I’m worried about spending this much." You: "I get it. Spending can be scary. But this isn’t spending, this is investing. And you know what they say about investments? They make you richer. And who doesn’t want to be richer? If I had a dollar for every time a client turned their cost worries into investment happiness, I’d be...well, I’d be on a yacht. Do you see a theme here?"

Client: "What if it doesn’t work out?" You: "What if it does? Let’s play the ‘What If’ game. What if this investment doubles your revenue? What if it triples your efficiency? What if you end up so successful that you need to buy more of our stuff just to keep up? Now those are some ‘what ifs’ worth thinking about."

Remember, humor is your ally. It disarms tension and makes the conversation enjoyable. Your goal is to leave the client feeling confident, not cornered. By reframing the cost into an investment and infusing your pitch with humor, you not only de-risk the decision but also make the client feel like you’re both on the same team.

So, next time you find yourself at that critical juncture, remember: you're not just a salesperson. You're a partner in their success, an investment guru, and, occasionally, a future yacht salesman. Now go forth and turn those costs into investments, one witty remark at a time!

-- More Juicy Sales Tips: What moves customers to make a buying decision? The Five Motives Behind Customer Purchases