Andrew mcdermott

Andrew mcdermott

My Sales Job Postings

Sales Job Postings placed on

Average Sales Value
$1,000 – $2,000

Sales Job Posting

  • Heads Up Marketing
    Sales Rep 1099

    Heads Up Marketing / Orlando, Florida

    Are You a High-Performing, Money-Motivated Sales Professional? We’re looking for INDEPENDENT salespeople to join our growing team. Our printing business specializes in direct mail marketing for local businesses. We are looking for a salesperson to add more clients to the local markets that we are expanding to. As a sales rep, you will be reaching out to local businesses either in person or over the phone whichever you prefer. You will be closing deals as well, as an independent sales rep.

    Keywords: Print, Marketing, Service, Awareness, Outreach

    Industries: Media - Print

    Sales Goal $250,000
    Commission Structure $100 per sale
    Monthly Retainer $6,500