Antonio Barajas

Antonio Barajas

Busines Developer, San Diego California
I work for 8 yrs at a brokerage firm After that, I went into manufacturing, specifically in metal for big companies
Services, Manufacturing Products, Saas, Softwared, Wholesale
Business Software Applications Software Development Primary Metal Industries Retail Trade - Specialty Consumer Goods Marketing
I intend to dedicate most of my time to one business
Time to dedicate to sales
Full time 160 hours per month

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY I’ve been in sales for the last 20 yrs. highly experience in customer service, sales representative, corporate sales, marketing and publicity, lead generation and client care.I consider myself highly motivated individual, with goals and challenge oriented, leading people being a good leader and motivate people to get to a mutual objective for the company, would love to continue pursuing this and hope my experience can help you innovate and help grow your product, company and business to another level. SKILLS

  1. Leader
  2. GoalMotivated
  3. Proactive
  4. 7yrs.experienceinfinanceandsalesforthemanufacturingindustry. 5. 7yrs.experienceworkingthemanufacturingindustry.
  5. Salesmanagerfordifferentcompanies.
  6. SalesAccountexecutivefordifferentcompanies.
  7. Marketingandpublicistexperience.
  8. SEO,googleanalytics,Facebookadds,googleadds.Etcetera.
  9. Business development for different projects.
  10. Logistics
  11. Customer relations PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE
Years of Experience
Lifetime Sales Contribution
  • Team Barajas

    Business Software Applications

    1 Member

    20 Total Years of Experience

    $6,000 Minimum Monthly Retainer

    $100,000 Minimum Sales Volume

    $20,000 Minimum Commission Payout

    Team Barajas
    Team Barajas