Cristian Tonon

Cristian Tonon

High Ticket B2B Sales Clsoer, Toronto Ontario
High Ticket Sales Closer mainly specializing in B2B products/services Extensive knowledge in digital marketing
Saas, Info Products, Seo, Advertising, Digital Marketing, Courses, Mentorships, High Ticket, Coaching
Marketing Business Software Applications Business Information Services
I will only be freelancing fractionally as my time allows (moonlighting/gig worker)

Hi there,

I just want to briefly outline my experience and background for you here:

I'm dissolving my lead generation business with my partner. We've managed 12+ clients in multiple industries ranging from 6-8 figure companies.

To keep it simple, fulfilment became tough because we had clients in multiple industries so we decided to shut it down for the time being + with both of us going back to school we can no longer commit full time hours.

It was an amazing experience that taught me a variety of skills and helped sharpen existing ones.

Some stats on me & my business:

  • Managed 12+ clients some of who were 6,7 and 8 figure business owners

  • Closed over $70k in sales within 6 months putting me on track to close over $150k in sales by the 1 year mark

  • Created systems and processes for the business to clearly outline jobs, roles and descriptions

  • Managed 5+ employees in 3 different countries

  • Created lead generation campaigns using cold email, LinkedIn, cold call and Instagram

Overall, my biggest takeaway from running this business is that sales is the most important aspect of a business, because without it you don't have customers to serve.

Sales was easily my favorite part of the business and is the career path I would like to pursue.

I'm looking for an opportunity that is part time around 20 hours a week.

Thank you.

Years of Experience
  • Team Tonon


    1 Member

    3 Total Years of Experience

    $15,000 Minimum Monthly Retainer

    $120,000 Minimum Sales Volume

    $24,000 Minimum Commission Payout

    Team Tonon