Dan Libby

Dan Libby

Sales Person, Brownsville Texas
My work experience in farming, education/coaching and consultive sales of outdoor recreational equipment gives me great a foundation for any career.
Commercial Recreational/Playground Equipment
Parks, Playgrounds, Lakes & Beaches
I intend to dedicate most of my time to one business
Time to dedicate to sales
Full time 160 hours per month

DANIEL P. LIBBY Dear Hiring Personnel, • I will be a great fit for this company and career based on my up bringing, education and past experiences. I grew up in the Midwest on a farm which provided a hard work ethic and honest mentality. My education in recreation management provided the knowledge for expanding my capacity to communicate with all people. My work experience in farming, education/coaching and outside consulting sales of outdoor recreational equipment gives me all the experience you are looking for with this career opportunity. • Gap in work due to COVID-19.

Years of Experience
Lifetime Sales Contribution
  • Team Libby

    Parks, Playgrounds, Lakes & Beaches

    1 Member

    12 Total Years of Experience

    $6,000 Minimum Monthly Retainer

    $100,000 Minimum Sales Volume

    $20,000 Minimum Commission Payout

    Team Libby