Dawa Bokhang

Dawa Bokhang

Owner, Toronto Ontario
I am the owner of Everest Yak Chews, a dog chews manufacturing company from Canada.

I have been in business for over 8 years and have grown my company to the point where we ship around 4 tonnes of product every quarter. We supply our goods to over 800 stores in Canada and generate close to $1,000,000 in sales after only being in the region for a year. I am now looking to grow my company and expand to other territories.

My Sales Job Postings

Sales Job Postings placed on

Average Sales Value
$100,000 – $250,000

Sales Job Posting

  • Everst Yak Chews
    Sales Reps for Bulk Orders to Major Pet Retailers 1099

    Everst Yak Chews / Toronto, Ontario

    We're seeking a sales representative with established connections in the large-scale pet retail industry to market our premium quality cheese chew product. We currently supply 800+ stores in Canada after only being in the territory for a year.We are...

    Keywords: Organic, Healthy, Lactose-Free, Yak Cheese Chews For Dogs, Private Labeling

    Industries: Pet Stores

    Commission Structure 10% straight commission
    Monthly Retainer $1,000