Martin Saavedra

Martin Saavedra

Founder, Tampa Bay Area Florida
I started my career in sales and in that time built an incredible product and team called SILLOET.

Starting our my carrier in sales i have always been focused on gaining an advantage. This drive is what lead me to create SILLOET and the team surrounding our incredible platform. Early on I realized that digital marketing is not the panacea everyone was touting but something more complex which requires a lot of money and talent to execute. Over the course of my career we become fixated and helping our clients and delivering solutions which make the most sense and are affordable. I have been on numerous boards and non profits helping my community and spekis across the country at trade and client events. When i am not working I truly love to just spend time with family.

My Sales Job Postings

Sales Job Postings placed on

Average Sales Value
$875 – $50,000

Sales Job Posting

  • Live Marketing, LLC
    Sales people who have GRIT! 1099

    Live Marketing, LLC / Tampa Bay Area, Florida

    Our people have GRIT and we feel that is the single most important attribute for sales professionals today. The ideal candidate must have previous experience working with Financial Advisors or Automotive Dealers in either digital marketing, Service...

    Keywords: Marketing, Data, Sales, Grit, Digital

    Industries: Marketing

    Commission Structure 8% straight commission
    Monthly Retainer $3,500