Pinny Kaplan

Pinny Kaplan

Sales Manager, Philadelphia Pennsylvania

My Sales Job Postings

Sales Job Postings placed on

Sales Job Posting

  • Manna Fortunes
    Outside Salesperson to sell a new service to C-stores and gas stations 1099

    Manna Fortunes / Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

    Manna Fortunes is a service offering Free lotteries for gas stations and convenience stores to offer their customers. Participating stores pay a small monthly fee to participate, and offer our lottery as a promotion to all patrons of their establishm...

    Keywords: Promotions, Free Lottery, Specials, Marketing, B2B, Advertising

    Industries: Retail Trade - Food & Beverage, Retail Trade - Smoke & Tobacco Shops, Retail Trade - Dept & General Merchandise Stores

    Commission Structure 15% straight commission
    Monthly Retainer $1,000