Lief Larson

Lief Larson

Sales Recruiter, Seattle Washington
I grew up in the construction business and have been involved with all aspect of construction. I am also a software engineer.

Career entrepreneur and builder based in Seattle, Washington.

My Sales Job Postings

Sales Job Postings placed on

Average Sales Value
$30,000 – $600,000

Sales Job Posting

  • Layer
    Seeking Salesperson with Construction Experience to Sell Robots 1099

    Layer / Seattle, Washington

    Company: LAYER (Layer Construction, Inc.) is a leading provider of 3D printed concrete (3DCP) to the global construction industryLocation: We are headquartered in Seattle, Washington, USA, but this role is remote and focused on U.S. salesWe are seeki...

    Keywords: 3D, 3Dcp, Concrete, 3D Concrete, 3D Concrete Printing, Robotics, Construction, Building, Software

    Industries: Building Equipment & Supplies, Concrete & Foundations, Specialty Buildings

    Commission Structure 7% straight commission
    Monthly Retainer $5,000